Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay about Circuit Board Fabricators, Inc - 659 Words
Circuit Board Fabricators, Inc. CBF hired you to help determine why it is not able to produce the 1,000 boards per day. 1. What type of process flow structure is CBF using? 2. Diagram the process in a manner similar to Exhibit 6.7. 3. Analyze the capacity of the process. 4. What is the impact of the losses in the process in Inspection and Final Test? 5. What recommendation would you make for a short-term solution of CBF’s problems? 6. What long-term recommendations would you make. 1. Manufacturing cell. 2. See below. 3. If you figure the run time for minutes per part divided by the number of employees the processes that take the most time are the clean, coat, and the final test. You would have to increase the # of†¦show more content†¦(1 operator/ machine, 5% rejected, 2.69min / part + 15min / job) After plating boards are moved off conveyor onto cart. Boards are loaded and unloaded into copper plating bath deposits copper into the holes. (1 operator .2min/part + 5min /job) The carts are used to take orders to the copper plate bath. Boards are loaded and unloaded into a drilling machine that uses NC to connect circuits. (1 operator/2 machines, 1.5min/part + 15min /job) Boards go through the oven hardening the plastic. (.66min/part) Boards are unloaded onto a cart and then full carts are moved to the drilling machine. 2 inspectors pick up each board and optically inspect them for defects using a machine. Boards that pass are put back on the conveyor that feeds the bake oven. (15% rejected, .5 min/part) Operator manually loads each board into developer that dips it in chemical bath and then places on conveyor. (.33min/part + 5min /job) Expose to photographic process must be overseen by an operator to load and unload each board. (1.72min/part+15min per job) Operator places boards on a cart and moves each full cart to the clear room. (.33min/part) Board transferred to the coating machine. Boards coated with liquid plastic on both sides. (.5 min/part) Machine cleans the board with chemical. (.5min/part) Board is manually loaded into machine by operator. (.33 min/part +5min/job setup) Machines are programmed to produce the order using computer-aided design. Order is checked that it willShow MoreRelatedEssay on Case Study: Circuit Board Fabricators Inc.939 Words  | 4 PagesCase Study: Circuit Board Fabricators Inc. Carl Anthony Jackson Sr. University of Phoenix OSC301 Operations Management Kimberly Ford January, 21 2008 In this case study Circuit Board Fabricators manufactures circuit boards for several computer companies. CBF has a capacity to produce 1000 circuit boards per day, but CBF can not meet these objectives set by process engineers. This case study will analyze what CBF is doing wrong and how they can improve their processRead MoreCircuit Board Fabricators, Inc. Case Analysis Essay660 Words  | 3 Pagesstructure is CBF using? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thesis About Call Center Agents - 14127 Words
Chapter I Background of the Study If you are a nurse who recently took the board exam, then you must be one of the many new graduates who are considered to be unemployed. After the long weekend parties, holidays, and vacation trips a month ago, you should have recently wondered hey whats next for me now? Well you are not alone. In fact, many of my review mates in a local review center headed to many local BPO companies here in our city. BPO or business process outsourcing involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider. Employees who work under these companies are referred as call center agents or customer service representatives.†¦show more content†¦All of us agreed that being a Call Center Agent is a good job but a really tough one but convinced that it is not as tough as being a nurse. It gives us member the idea of a job-on-the-spot that can let graduate nurses grab. We also claim that working on a Call Center will let us explore more of the world before settling down as a nurse. All of us agreed that despite of our diversity in opinions and perceptions, we exclude our biases in understanding and knowing the life and experiences of being a Call Center Agent. Experiences Some members experienced being asked or recruited to join but they refused to. They were afraid that it will hinder their studies. One member, has been acquainted to a Call Center Agent and helped to seek job hunters. Another member had a fellow nursing student who after graduating entered and became a Call Center Agent. Considering these, we conduct a group discussion. We brainstormed this topic and unanimously agreed to it to be our research topic.. Strengths We applied other components of therapeutic relationship such as active listening, acceptance, genuine interest and positive regard during interaction process to facilitate cooperation from our participants and obtain the information we needed. We divided the tasks accordingly and all were willing to move beyond ourShow MoreRelatedBusiness Management Improves the Efficiency of an Organization1872 Words  | 7 Pagesfour goals: efficiency, calculability, predictability and control. McDonalds can be seen as an example of a contemporary symbol of relentlessness process of rationalization, where the employee is treated simply as a factor of production. Ritzer’s thesis (1998) states both theoretically and empirically that this constitutes a general process of â€Å"McDonalization’ which extends beyond work into the culture of society. 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Medicine Costs in America Pay Done By Canadians
Question: Discuss about theMedicine Costs in America for Pay Done By Canadians. Answer: Introduction: The prescription drugs, the ones which are manufactured by American companies are costing much less in Canada than other U.S. countries. But why is this happening when the cost is high in the county who does all the research? The simple answer is the policy of price control. The same is happening because of a Canadian law which actually authorizes every drug dealer through a review board to order a decrease in price if the price of a drug does exceed the median price in the other European countries which does include the U.S.A. Canadians with lacking scope, for the most part independently employed or unemployed laborers, are frequently not able to profit by ideal medications. Here we are talking about a large chunk paying very less amount than Americans do. But the issue doesnt end here. This law has been in place because the other states in U.S. are far behind in terms of research and development than America which can afford to do a lot of research and develop new prescription drugs. (Kounang, 2015) If I talk about my position on the same issue: Canada not being as affluent as America ultimately has this law to protect the interest of their citizens. Keeping this in mind, there should be this rule present in the country various authorities intervene. Various ways to hold down drug costs. But not because of Price Discrimination- My stand will if there is price discrimination then Canadians should also be charged same like Americans are done. (Slate.com, 2000) But there is an issue in Canada; the companies are ready to sell for lower prices in there and nowhere else only because they are able to sell for more in the United States. Price discrimination is prevailing just because America can do good R D and has money but in Canada, unfortunately they are charging different prices to different buyers for the same medicine. No administration ought to when the aggregate expenses of these mechanical strategies are higher than aggregate twist off that Canadians get from this segment. The primary reason physician endorsed medications are so costly in Canada is a direct result of private back up plans. Just in the United States is a more prominent extent of professionally prescribed medication costs paid for by private safety net providers. This private scope is absolutely wasteful, and the organization charges much higher for private other than the other open arrangements. Price discrimination only works in the drug industry because of the expensive nature of R D and the cheap nature of manufacturing. For whatever length of time those organizations can recover their innovative work costs by charging high costs in the United States. And moreover they are even making a benefit in Canada and somewhere else by only taking care of the expense of making the pill or just anything in name of drugs. (Gangon, 2011) In late months, individuals from Congress from both sides have acquainted bills with stop this medication value segregation, either by changing law or same prices should be charged everywhere. It would need to take care of RD costs, as it would be higher than the present cost in Canadian countires. Be that as it may, those expenses would be spread over more pills, so it ought to be lower than the present American cost. The commitment to RD costs, and more costs of drugs will have to be managed by Canada but this will only develop the nation. There can be a rebut that if Canada is not affluent and capable enough to do R D, how can they work in this direction. My counter will be as follows: Doubtlessly the pharmaceutical part is in charge of around 50,000 occupations (immediate and backhanded) in Canada and that every employment is paid a normal of $80,000 a year.. The issue is that these strategies are unreasonable and unjust. As the pharma industry is found completely in Ontario etc.., it looks bad for instance that Americans should be the only ones to pay high costs. Why cant US as a whole do R D and develop medicines. This will not only have employment opportunities but also make sure that country is prospering as a whole. References Kounang, N. 2015, why pharmaceuticals are cheaper abroad, CNN, https://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/28/health/us-pays-more-for-drugs/, Accessed on 17th August, 2016 Gangon, A, 2011, Why Our Prescription Drugs Are Too Expensive and What We Can Do About It https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/marcandre-gagnon/prescription-drug-costs_b_877024.html, Accessed on 17th August, 2016 Slate.com, 2000, Why Do Drugs Cost Less in Canada? https://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2000/05/why_do_drugs_cost_less_in_canada.html, Accessed on 17th August, 2016
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