Friday, January 24, 2020

Our Prison System Sucks :: essays research papers

Our Prison System Sucks Good afternoon ****** and fellow class mates. To many of you, the word prison might frighten you. To some, you welcome the idea of prison. To others, well, you just don't care. Well I am for the idea of prison, but I don't support the way our prisons in north america are being run. These people deserved to be punished! I don't want them to waste our money, get "paid" for television interviews, book rights and all the other goodies that come from doing a crime. And then slapped on the hand saying: "You be a good boy/girl now" and sent them off to a place we call prison, but in reality, some of the prisoners, find prison to be just like a strict camp. I have personally talked to some people who had gotten out of prison a few weeks prior to our talk, and they where telling me how they learned how to make certain crafts, learn how to sow, and many other things. To me, that sounds awfully like a camp I was made to go to when I was young. Some people in prison even have television, others treat it like a hotel. This disgusts me! This doesn't sound at all like a prison. A prison is a place where people are supposed to be punished. Not treated like guests. There is a fin line between being punished and being over punished however. I'm not saying that each person should be beaten daily, or made to stay in a cell by themselves with no one to talk to for an eternity. The person should be punished according to the crime. "An eye for an eye." This brings me to the subject of capital punishment. I'm sure some of you are disgusted by the word, but I am not. I am disgusted with the fact that it is not here in Canada. I believe that for major crimes, such as that of Paul Bernardo certainly deserve the death penalty. If someone can go out and kill dozens of children, or adults. They surely have the guts to go though with the end of their lives. The amount of grief a family has to suffer when a loved one is lost is tremendous, and to have to go through life worrying weather or not you safe because your afraid the killer will get out of jail with good behavior.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Bureaucracy Report Card

In certain parts of the world, the bureaucracy or certain government agencies are being given feedback by their clients, more specifically the citizens, through a report card. The said report card seeks to provide a picture of the performance exhibited by the public servants, and the bureaucracy in general, based on a number of facets that needs to be considered but mostly depends on their experience of the service rendered to them. However, there are certain limitations that this grading system poses.It has the tendency to provide a greater sphere of power to the society due to the fact that they are given a very powerful tool through which they can serve as the indicators or trends. If it could be as easy to remove a public servant through the report card given to them by the public, it is feared that continuity within the bureaucracy is disturbed with the constant changes brought about by the grades given by the citizens. This happens, if and only if, it will serve as the sole bas is for termination or would have a greater weight among other things.In light of such, it also means that the security of tenure provided for several bureaucrats that is based on the intention to establish a rational organization based on merit would also be affected. If such is to be implemented, there should be safeguards established in order to achieve its goal of gathering objective feedbacks from the people. It has been successfully implemented for different agencies and relevant studies of the factors that contribute towards it success should have much bearing on how it is to be considered by different parties.Likewise, the approach should be that the tool is only supplemental to other forms of feedback that could come from other sources such as that which is advocated through a 360-degree feedback. It can be said that the tool of providing a report card for the bureaucrats is helpful but it is to be considered in light of the different amendments that are to be made to fill t he gaps that it currently has.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Participant Observation in Child Development Free Essay Example, 4000 words

What was observed was a typical case of separation anxiety for Natasha, expecting that her mother will leave her for a period of time. Being emotionally attached to her mother, it is normal to be anxious at every time they part. She did not want to let go, but her mother needed to leave for work. When her mother left, she cried after her, but she was ready to go with the caregiver to choose her toy. She showed that she was resigned to her situation of being left at the daycare and accepted her fate. She seemed to be aware of the routines already. At two-and-a-half, this is a manifestation of maturity and independence on her part. What was observed was a typical case of separation anxiety for Natasha, expecting that her mother will leave her for a period of time. Being emotionally attached to her mother, it is normal to be anxious at every time they part. She did not want to let go, but her mother needed to leave for work. When her mother left, she cried after her, but she was read y to go with the caregiver to choose her toy. We will write a custom essay sample on Participant Observation in Child Development or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page However, throughout the day, she would see the observer around the daycare and eventually gained familiarity with her. The observer stayed distant until she felt it was safe to approach Natasha more closely. The caregiver tried to get to the level of Natasha as she played. She took interest in what she was doing and respected her ideas. She also took the opportunity to expose Natasha to a wider vocabulary and correct sentence construction, as the child has very limited verbal skills as of yet.